2021 Holiday Gift Guide
S Stacy Clason

2021 Holiday Gift Guide

Hello there, Rose Buds! I hope you enjoyed stuffing yourself this last weekend and some holiday shopping!

The big holidays are around the corner and these holidays include lots of gift giving. This can be such a special time of year, but it can also be the most STRESSFUL time of year. Well, I’m here to help ease your gift giving anxiety. 

Sometimes families have a tradition of drawing a name and being that person’s secret giver, or maybe not so secret. When you draw your newest sister in law, it can be hard to find something that fits her needs and wants, and it can be even more difficult to determine what she likes!

Or, sometimes it can be friend groups that have a gift exchange party and you draw a random name. The thing with groups is that there is always someone you don’t know that well. And, it seems like in those settings you always get the person you have no idea what they would want, and if you are keeping it a secret, it can be even more difficult to figure out what they would like.

Here are some tips and tricks to help make your holiday shopping a little easier on the mind and on the wallet.

1. Always Set a Budget

Make this a family wide standard. It can be awkward to get an expensive gift and the one you gave was not up to par in the price range.

2. Create Categories

What kind of gifts does your family/ friend group do? Is it homemade? Bought? Locally bought? Small business bought? Silly? Useful? 

It might be helpful to have a sit down with your gift giving group and identify a category to stick to. It doesn’t have to be the same each year. Switch it up! Make it fun! I think that is the key: make it fun!!

3. Wish Lists

We’ve got incredible collaborative technology. Create a google doc and have each member create a wish list that is within the budget or category. However, maybe avoid having a wishlist with homemade gifts, because that would be awkward if your person asked for a knitted scarf and you can’t knit! But, that’s up to the group! Maybe you all are incredibly craft-oriented and can whip out a new skill like knitting.

4. Espionage . . .  jk Ask the Insider!

There will always be someone who knows the person you have really well and if they really care about this person, they will help you find the appropriate gift. Notice how I didn’t say perfect. We are not aiming for perfectionism. We are aiming for thoughtfulism… not a word, but we’re rolling with it! The thought does ALWAYS count.

5. Don't do a Journal . . . with a Few Exceptions

I know there are probably people who LOVE getting journals and can't get enough of them, but from my experience, if someone mentions they like to write, they almost always get a journal for Christmas every year. Now, there are few exceptions. If it is a nice leather bound one, or is a prompt journal, or has something that inspires them on the cover (for me, that would be any reference to one of my top 5 favorite books) then that has shown you have put thought into it. The thought matters. Let me repeat, the thought matters.

6. Gift Card/ Money Controversy

Now, I know there is some controversy with gift cards or money as a gift. If the person you have really cares about the level of thought that goes into the gift (you ask this by asking the insider remember?), then you might want to stay away from this option; however, sometimes an activity gift card can be a really nice idea. I know some people who love the outdoors, if I had them maybe I would buy them an outdoor experience (if it was in the budget). Or, if I knew someone who struggled to give themself some TLC, I would get them a gift card to a spa where they can relax, and they would have to use it because it is already paid for. Although, I do recognize that there are other opinions and beliefs about this, and this is where I will return to the thoughtfulness rule. If you are unsure, go back to the friend and get the inside scoop on your idea. Also, you could recruit them to make sure they go through with the activity ha!

Just giving money can seem rude or insensitive, but sometimes, it can be a godsend. I know people who would rather pick out their gift themselves and would appreciate a dollar amount to spend. Or maybe someone is struggling financially and would appreciate help with groceries rather than a gift. That is something I will leave to your discretion. Read the situation. Ask a friend or someone they are close to. Do the background work and the thoughtfulness will show.

7. Give the Gift of Getting to Know the Person

What makes holidays so special is they are centered around people and drawing closer to one another. It's about family, whether that is blood or found families. It is about spending quality time with those you care about. What better way to prep your gift giving by getting to know this person better. Even if it is your own partner. Take the time to ask them questions. It doesn’t matter if you have been together for two months or 50 years. People change and develop new tastes and likes. Take the time to get to know them deeper and I guarantee an idea will come as you play a little round of get to know your questions. 

You can even be sneaky about it. You don’t need to be transparent about what you are doing. Make a game of it, as if you are playing spy (see espionage really is a part of this ha!). I know from my experience that the better I got to know someone, the more I cared about them and had more compassion for them. It’s a gift in and of itself by taking the time to know someone better. Everyone loves talking about themselves! I mean it! Those who say they don’t are lying, that, or they have social anxiety and care a lot about what others think of them. But even for those socially anxious, they have a comfort zone somewhere that allows them to open up. Take that time and tender care and you won’t be disappointed. 

8. Jewelry Really is a Girl’s Best Friend!

I know the real saying is “Diamonds are a girl’s best friend.” And I know that not all women like jewelry, but every woman I know does enjoy feeling beautiful. Jewelry accentuates the beauty that already exists. It gives the feeling of that child like joy that came from playing dress up. 

Not every woman has their ears pierced. Not every woman has hair. Not every woman enjoys the feeling of a necklace. Jewelry is also not restricted to just one gender. That is something to keep in mind as you get to know whoever you have. Keep an open mind as you get to know the individual you are giving to.

Aaaaand, since the Holiday Collection did just launch, I would be remiss if I didn’t even bring it up in this gift guide. 

The Holiday Collection has some great neutral colors like black and gold. But, there are also lots of reds and greens to be festive with! Even though these colors represent the holiday season, they are versatile and can be worn all year long. 

Here are a few of my personal favorites, in case anyone has me this year (sly, winky face):

The Emily and Claire Bow Earrings

I do love bows. I couldn’t just choose one because they both are uniquely gorgeous!

The Noel Dangle

I am a huge fan of the fanning gold lines that look like a star burst (not the candy) and, of course, I’m a pearl girl. Anything with pearls and I’m already loving it.

The Grace Pearl Hoop

I just mentioned I loved pearls so how could I not include this beauty?!

The Crystal Hair Comb

I love this stunning piece. I was a bit disappointed when I didn’t get to style it in the photo shoot, but I got over it when I put it in my cart!

The Geneva Huggie Hoop

Words cannot express how much I admire this earring. Green is my favorite color, especially a nice emerald color like this one! It screams regal. A must have for sure!

The Kiera Stud in Emerald

Is it appropriate to say "nuff said" here? I feel like this stud speaks for itself! Simply gorgeous!

The Auror Hair Clip in Ruby

A perfect holiday hair piece to dress up your outfit on your holiday of choice. I would even want to wear it with my Christmas jammies!

Rose Buds, It has been a pleasure as always. Good luck with your holiday shopping! I wish you a merry and bright season and encourage you to hold your loved ones close.

Until next time! XOXO

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